Internal Sports Tournament


The 2023 Internal Sports Tournament of CYF Molyko Ran from Wednesday 3rd May 2023 to Monday 29th May 2023. 

The various disciplines of the tournament were Handball Girls, Football Boys, Marathon, Arm Wrestling (Bra de Faire), Egg and Spoon Race and Press-Ups.  Among the four clubs that were formed (Presidential Strikers, Lawcam Strikers, Charis Strikers and La Puga Strikers), For Handball Girls the league table was topped by the La Puga Strikers with 15 points and a goal difference of 12. For Football Boys league table was topped by the Presidential Strikers with 12 points and a goal difference of 10.

The Award ceremony for this tournament will take place on Saturday, 17th June 2023 at 3:00 PM at the Multpurpose Hall. All members of CYF Molyko, Youths of the congregation and any other sports lovers are invited. 

Click the Button to view Handball League Table, Matches and Players

Click the Button to view Handball League Table, Matches and Players

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