Welcoming of Freshmen

The 2022 End of Year Celebration and Welcoming of Freshmen is a social event held by CYF Molyko annually to welcome all new members who had stayed for less than a year in the group. During this event various activities take place, some of which includes AWARD OF PRIZES to academically outstanding members of the group, AWARD OF CERTIFICATES of acknowledgement and recognition, FASHION PARADE (selection of the Mister and Miss of CYF Molyko for the next year), WELCOMING OF FRESHMEN, ENTERTAINMENT etc.


During year’s celebration of the 2022 End of Year Celebration which took place on Sunday 26th March 2023, the group, CYF Molyko elected as the Models of the group for the Year 2023 (Mister and Miss CYF Molyko 2023) to be Brother Ashu Dilan and Mister and Sister Ketuanze Tracy as Miss.


Click here to see more photos of Mister and Miss CYF Molyko 2023.

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